Medical Devices
Information Technology
Food Safety
Oil & Gas
Maritime Management
We seek to understand our clients’ real issues and goals. We question in detail these issues and goals to get to the heart of each learning intervention. We employ our highly technical, yet creative powerhouse to deliver a highly compelling solution where learners actually enjoy partaking in our fun games and quizzes, all the while being convinced that the information being given is really worth following. We also provide excellent value in what we deliver, ultimately saving you time and money.
Here is a flavor of what we have created and delivered.
We work with you to permeate the culture of the company so that everyone is responsible and compliant in GMPs and Quality: from good hygiene to proper gowning to compliant record keeping to change control. This is when you see big gains in productivity and quality. Your people have extensive knowledge on the way things should be done and we want them to take that a step further by ensuring everyone around them follows.
This involves not only producing interactive courses and ensuring that everybody succeeds at the assessment, but also launching and promoting a learning campaign.
We have delivered many courses and learning bites on Health & Safety training that is of utmost importance within the Medical Device industry. These programmes have ranged from Induction training to office ergonomics to Chemical Awareness.
In addition to this, we have provided an extra edge to again ensure that it goes beyond a training course and will persuade and convince people to adopt the compliant practices being taught. This can be in the form of poster campaigns, motivational videos and social media campaigns.
We help people to do their jobs more effectively and accurately. Of course, staff can read the SOPs, but this type of training can yield huge gains in productivity, while reducing error and incidents.
We can also capture tacit or informal tips on best practices that aren’t in the SOPs and this can be stored in a knowledge base, right in the lab or wherever it’s being used.
Programmes can be sub-divided into manageable parts so that staff can access bite-sized learning objects. These can, for example, deliver step-by-step instructions on how to perform a specific task.
Call us on +353 (0)21 2392615 or email us to find out more
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